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Showing posts from May, 2014

Art in a Bottle- How Did They Get That Ship in There!

The Schooner Virginia Races the Pride of Baltimore II past Thimble Shoals Lighthouse. Created by marine artist Heather Gabrielle Rogers. The first known ship inside a bottle was created during the early years of the 19th century. Like other sailor-made art forms, these were created aboard old sailing ships in an era when sea voyages lasted months and sometimes years. Whalemen, during their idle hours, produced scrimshaw for family members, sweethearts, and friends. Decorative and utilitarian objects were carved from bone, ivory teeth, and baleen, and designs were engraved on the same materials. But other materials such as wood, rope and yarn were also used, and many interesting and decorative objects were created from these. Two tall ships pass each other in this early 20th century ship in a bottle diorama. It is not surprising then that an empty spirit or a medicine bottle lying around aboard ship might have spurred the imagination of a 19th century seaman into devising a way to displ...